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Dawn of the Post Deluvian Era of LCWR !

You  found us and we’re glad you’re here! The music drops Friday (or sooner if I can just find a cable or two, some loose rubber bands, and a macaw). We are entering the post-deluvian era of LCWR! This is the student-led radio station of LC State. It’s been…something. With the flood of our studio […]


Uh, have you seen the Radio Station?

That nasty cold spell we just experienced was cruel to the water suppression system DIRECTLY ABOVE our broadcast studio on campus. Some freezing, followed by pipe bursting, ensued by flooding have put the station on hiatus for spring semester. Needless to say “it’s not what you want” but we’ll be back! Stay tuned.


Rap Moderno Review: 4X4

The makings of a good album are here, but Rei’s 4X4 is too one-note and same-sounding to achieve any impressive results. Here’s a quick story about Rei’s 4X4. When I looked it up on Google, a piece of HDMI Matrix Switch software came up before the actual album. Turns out the company is named OREI, […]


Rap Moderno Review: EL AFTER DEL AFTER

November 11th remains one of the most important days in all of Argentina. And it remains the day for one of Argentina’s most acclaimed trappers to drop. Since 2018, Alejo Acosta, also known as YSY A, has chosen this day to release all five of his studio albums. This year was no exception. EL AFTER […]



It was a thrill to be on the other side of the glass, I was standing in the actual radio station studio as a new DJ. As part of my new DJ training the manager gave me a tour of the broadcast studio, while explaining station policies and processes. He then pointed to the wall […]

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